Thursday, August 9, 2007

Complaints about George George Bush

via NY Times:

There are times in the life of George Herbert Walker Bush, the 41st president of the United States and father of the 43rd, that people, perfect strangers, come up to him and say the harshest things — words intended to comfort but words that wind up only causing pain. “I love you, sir, but your son’s way off base here,” they might say, according to Ron Kaufman, a longtime adviser to Mr. Bush, who has witnessed any number of such encounters[...] “It wears on his heart,” Mr. Kaufman said, “and his soul.”
Aww, poor #41, I guess it's sad to watch your child squander the legacy of your name, and not just your family name, but your first name along with it!

1 comment:

Magellan said...

Quit whining. He'll be out of office in a few months.