Sunday, September 23, 2007

Urgent Lobbying for Telecom Immunity

Via Crooks and Liars:

As War and Piece puts it, U.S. intel agencies are in near panic mode over this, but Marcy Wheeler and Glenn Greenwald say they may be worrying over nothing as the Democrats are preparing to cave on this issue. President Bush is hell bent on letting telcos off the hook, contact your representatives in the House and Senate and let them know how you feel.
These companies should be working for the best interest of their customers, or at least their stockholders, they should not be working for the government. The government should not be allowed to pressure these telecoms into doing something illegal, yet, they have. At this point, these companies should not be let off scot-free for these transgressions, but the government should be bearing the largest backlash from these events. if we can't trust companies to maintain our privacy from the government, then we will be forced to live in fear from every company that has access to our privacy. That is not a possibility that should ever come up in a "democracy".

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